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10 Things You Need to Know Before Building Your Company Website


What is your budget?

Arguably the single most important decision to make before developing your company website. What is your budget? The average small website costs $2,400. for 5-7 pages, security, hosting and email. For larger websites with 300 pages or eCommerce functions, your budget could be substantially higher. Remember that a proper company website is built by engineers, designers and security experts. If you are skimping in any of these areas, your price could be lower but your functionality, accessibility and security may suffer. Many businesses refer to loans to establish a properly built company website.


Choose a team member as your website point of contact.

When communicating with your web developers, designers, security, hosting, email, etc - you will need one person from your company to designate as the primary point of contact. Having a team sporadically reply about website questions will cause confusion and lead to a less than cohesive brand appearance. When a question arises that requires the entire team to vote or discuss, your point of contact can then bring the subject up during a meeting or email chain to receive input. Then relay to the vendors (engineers, designers, security, hosting, email, etc)


Will your website be multi-lingual?

When developing a website, it's important to develop and design your site with the primary language in mind. If you are targeting Spanish clients but hiring an English only speaking web development and design agency, you will run into linguistic and cultural barriers. The same goes for hiring Punjabi or Russian speaking developers & designers when your focus is an English speaking audience. Choose an agency that fluently speaks the language of your audience. We see cultural differences even in design. For example, in Japan, cute emojis are very popular so GoDaddy's Japanese version of their website uses emojis and heart icons rather than people. In Brazil, GoDaddy's website shows actual photography of people working in pottery industries. These are cultural visual differences beyond language.


Do you prefer a local developer?

Some companies actively choose to keep their business local to support local economy. Others simply want to be able to pick up the phone to a local agency when a question comes up. So choosing the location of your web development agency should be a major consideration. Are you the type of person who typically works on creative changes at night? Consider a company overseas who is in the office when you're up late at night. If this isn't a concern, you can choose an agency anywhere in the world that checks all your other needs.


Determine what type of website you need.

Is your website an informational and service website that highlights each solution you offer like robotics and innovation? Or are you a retail corporation who needs a stable eCommerce platform to sell your products? Is your website currently hosted elsewhere with years of content (both recent and outdated) that will need to be transferred and / or archived? Consider your needs prior to speaking to agencies and if necessary, ask your prospective agencies for insight into what you need. Sometimes it's as simple as explaining your end goal to determine your path.


Will you require unique website features?

Does your company frequently host events or sell tickets? You will need an event platform integrated into your website. Will you be moving or adding blog posts or articles? Does your business utilize a forum for clients or staff? Bookings and scheduling for patients or guests? Online restaurant or catering that will require a menu and delivery system? These are all points to consider during your planning.


What type of website service do you need?

Your developers will need to know if you need a website built from scratch ranging from a classic, simple website to an advanced website. Does your website currently exist and you need help moving or migrating from the current platform / solution?  Do you want to keep your existing website but update or modernize it with a redesign or new development? Is your website satisfactory but you need mobile / device development and design or search engine optimization?


Make a list of your focus areas

Web Design: Find a web designer to create a new website, redesign or
migrate your existing site or build a mobile site.

Small Tasks: Take care of monthly tasks like site updates or maintenance. This is typically helpful for WordPress or other software based websites.

Content Updates: Consider if you need your developers to regularly update your website with content, services, images, documents or products. This is typical for most situations like online stores, small business with monthly deals, companies with regular news, a growing startup who is aggressively expanding services, schools and organizations with frequent documents or news.

Online Retail: If you are a retail store intending to sell online, you will need an eCommerce site, advanced store capabilities, store optimization tools and store settings.

Database or Advanced Development: Coding, custom functionalities, third party
services, database connections, custom input forms, and custom
design behavior will require Advanced Development.

SEO & Analytics: Grow your business online with expert search engine optimization, analytics, JSON, API, url submissions, weekly crawling and more advanced SEO.

Marketing & Promoting: Advertising on search engines, platforms or social media, written site content, ad support, and email marketing campaigns are just some of the marketing and promotion services companies might consider.

Graphic Design: Developing or updating your brand with branding, logo, visual content, professional photography, digital graphics for social media and website content.


List any additional items you think might be helpful

Do you need company email accounts, Workflows, Content Management, Site security, domain acquisition, DNS management, CDN protection? Consider all website related services and solutions you currently require or may want to add down the road. The outline will help your developers to create a concise strategy that fits your needs.


Determine your timeline or turnaround

How quickly you need your website completed will help you connect with agencies that can accommodate you. If you have a website that needs to be done quickly, be sure to let your considered agencies know up front so you don't waste your time. In some situations, you may be able to pay for a rush service or look for a less busy agency that can quickly take your project on. Consider whether they offer everything you need or if you will need to find multiple vendors to accomplish your list.

TNW Creations™️and Brand Tawaci Media™️is a Web Development & Media Publishing Agency headquartered in Austin, Texas. Web Development, cybersecurity, design, clean energy web host, digital marketing.

I am a software engineer, artist and voice actress. As a child, I became part of the grassroots development for teaching my Lakhota language online. When I'm not developing and creating, you'll find me motivating a community of Indie Game Developers, play testing new games on Twitch and YouTube, developing video content, voice acting for games, acting as cultural consultant for Native vibe games, investigating and initating hostile website takedowns, and enjoying time with my family.